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Is the indoor climate in your business healthy?facilityIs the indoor climate in your business healthy?

Is the indoor climate in your business healthy?

The indoor climate is everything that determines how we feel at work, in school and at home. If you are in the office, you function optimally if what you breathe in is free of harmful substances. These include particulate matter, allergens, viruses, mold or other dirt. If there are complaints that lead to performance degradation then measuring and mapping the indoor climate is very important. Let Things Talk (LTT) uses the LTT Airhub to measure all environmental factors underlying student or employee complaints.

When asked why Let Things Talk continuously measures indoor climate and occupancy, director Edwin Muller has a clear answer. "A good indoor climate reduces absenteeism, improves performance and increases the feeling of comfort. In addition, we can let you bespon your energy costs with smart thermostat knobs, plugs and lighting with the LTT platform."

Indoor Climate

Mapping a poor indoor climate depends on a large number of factors. In addition to airflow, Co2 levels, humidity, temperature, light and noise are also important to measure. "We measure these things in each individual workspace over an extended period of time," Edwin Muller explains Let Things Talk's methodology. Using LTT facility platform 's online dashboards, it is very easy to determine, where the problems in your buildings arise. This makes improving the indoor climate a lot easier.


Even before the Privacy Act (AVG) came into effect, LTT decided not to do measurements and recordings with cameras. "We made a conscious decision to do that from the beginning. The data we collect is not personalized and can only be viewed by the client." For example, a client can receive a notification when an unhealthy indoor climate develops and can intervene if desired. Because we measure occupancy with infrared rather than cameras or WiFi signals, LTT's solution ensures the privacy of people in the building. This allows a company to act on the data and invest in a healthier environment," Edwin Muller guarantees employee privacy. 

Durable check

Would you also like to improve the air quality within your buildings so that your employees and students can work in a healthy manner? Then do the LTT sustainability check immediately and calculate your payback period.

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