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HomeOccupancy monitoring

Occupancy monitoring

Occupancy monitoring

Real estate is a significant expense for businesses, so it is crucial to make informed decisions about the facilities provided, such as workspaces and meeting rooms. 

Fortunately, by measuring the presence of people within a building, zones and spaces, you can gain current and historical insight into how individual spaces and facilities are actually being used. 

Measure occupancy to understand work patterns, reduce costs and determine needed facilities. This can lead to more efficient use of space and cost savings. Detailed information can help to better allocate available workstations, meeting rooms and other facilities. But can also contribute to more efficient use of ventilation, heating and air conditioning, resulting in energy savings, better comfort and more productive employees....

What does occupancy rate mean?

The occupancy rate is the ratio of occupied to available space. This involves dividing the number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms.

This calculation is complex because of factors such as opening hours and workstations. For example, meeting rooms often have lower occupancy rates. Measuring the effects of investing in office space is important, but at the same time can be tricky due to employee mobility and flexibility.

Measure occupancy rates with Let Things Talk

AVG/GDPR proof

The sensor works on the basis of infrared instead of cameras that can violate the privacy of.

Use our Rest API

The LTT Platform works with a Rest API, making it easy to integrate with Microsoft BI, for example.

Digital map

With digtal floor plans, you have instant insight into the occupancy of all your measured areas and spaces.

Software as a Service

The LTT Platform operates via a monthly subscription and can be operated via a Web browser.

To measure is to know

By constantly measuring and monitoring, you can adjust facilities based on need.

Indoor climate monitoring

Add the LTT Airhub to monitor air quality in each room, not just occupancy.

Digital Twin
Top 10 values of your spaces
Current and historical insight of your individual rooms.
Co2 measurement per room
Smart cleaning

Data-driven cleaning

Determining a cleaning plan is often done based on experience, but most clients use rooms randomly, so the cleaning plan does not match reality. 

This can cause higher cleaning costs and unhygienic spaces due to the result of more intensive use than expected, especially in wet rooms and conference rooms. By continuously monitoring usage, we can accurately determine when cleaning is truly necessary, saving time and money on unnecessary cleaning and improving hygiene.

Pair with our Rest API

By leveraging our top-level API integration and highly efficient EWON FLEXY GATEWAY we can seamlessly link your building management system such as Priva, Siemens, Schneider, Webeasy and BR Controls with the LTT Platform.

But that's not all! Our API integration also allows you to share data with various business intelligence software, such as Microsoft BI and planning software for educational institutions. This capability allows you to access your building data in a way that is most meaningful and relevant to your goals and operations.

With our technology solutions, you can be confident that you have complete control over your building's performance.

Rest API link for your building management system

Indoor climate monitoring

Get insight into the current - and historical indoor climate values of all your rooms, zones and buildings

Occupancy monitoring

Get insight into the current - and historical occupancy rates of all your rooms, zones and buildings

Power consumption monitoring

Get insight into the current - and historical power consumption of all your rooms, zones and buildings

Save on energy consumption

Save on gas and power consumption based on a schedule and utilization of your spaces.