Introducing LTT Rhythm at Dutch Design Weekdigital careIntroducing LTT Rhythm at Dutch Design Week

Introducing LTT Rhythm at Dutch Design Week

During the care event at the Dutch Design Week on Oct. 23 and 25, colleague Jarno van der Woude of Let Things Talk will tell you how we give substance to 'Creating Tommorow's Empatic Living Enviroment' . Curious, join us at Strip-T during DDW in Eindhoven.

Care Robot Buddy

During the care event, we demonstrate i.c.w. , how we use care robot Maatje meaningfully to enable Longer Living at Home.

Introducing LTT Rhytm sensor' living rhythm sensor

Furthermore, we introduce to healthcare organizations the possibilities of the LTT Rhythm sensor(Life Rhythm Monitoring) i.c.m. with the Airhub and the LTT Health Platform (SaaS) and seek active cooperation for its further development.

Special thanks to Rian Dings of Tech Matters and Vegro for making this fantastic event possible.

#LongerHomeLiving #CareRobot #SaaS #healthylife#healthyaging #Techmatters #LetThingsTalk#sensor#LifeRhythmMonitoring #Measurement