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LTT at PCBO de VoordefacilityLTT at PCBO de Voorde

LTT at PCBO de Voorde

In this day and age, the climate in school buildings, offices and healthcare facilities is trending topic. An ideal learning and working environment is created when temperature, CO2, humidity, light and sound can be properly controlled. For director Gerard Bandringa of the Adendium Foundation's PCBO de Voorde, these are issues that are currently out of his control. Headache complaints from several teachers and feedback from other colleagues eventually resulted in him enlisting the help of Let Things Talk, of which Edwin Muller is director.

When a teacher came to me with regular headache complaints after a long day at school, it got me thinking. Those complaints disappeared as soon as the person in question got on his bicycle outside," Gerard Bandringa explains some of the problem.

"The building the school is in houses several organizations. Fifteen years ago, no special consideration was given to how many people stay here daily and how they spend their day here in a healthy way. That's easily about six hundred children and about forty staff."

Measuring C02 at elementary school de Voorde Measuring C02 at elementary school de Voorde[/caption]


For example, the air-refreshment system can only be set to two modes. Very simply put, on or off. Gerard: "That is definitely not optimal. In addition, windows here can only be completely open or completely closed. Then children have to put on coats or extra thick sweaters in winter, while in summer it can get up to thirty degrees. Originally, the classes were also set up for a maximum of 25 children while today there are groups of thirty students." Far from ideal conditions to teach in, with the possibility of high Co2 levels. "By bringing plants into the school we try to compensate for this somewhat, but that doesn't really put a lot of effort into it," sounds slightly skeptical from the mouth of Gerard Bandringa.


During feedback with staff, climate control came up regularly. "That was a sign to me that I needed to get serious about the matter. After all, I want to be a good worker." To make improvements, the director could not just rely on his feelings to force the administrator and the municipality to take action. "You will then have to do thorough research over a longer period of time anyway, so you can prove that certain things are wrong." That's when Edwin Muller's Let Things Talk (LTT) came into the picture.

The LTT Airhub sensor developed by Let Things Talk measures a broad spectrum of air quality factors. Here they go beyond the standard Co2 registration. Edwin Muller: "In addition to Co2, we continuously monitor particulate matter, air humidity, temperature, air pressure, volatile compounds and light output in different rooms of the elementary school here. The starting point for Let Things Talk was the package of requirements for Frisse Scholen of the Rijksdienst van onder- nemend Nederland. These are all factors that play into determining what the complete climate in this school is like." In fact, equipment can be placed in any room because each room is used differently. An advanced infrared sensor can even be used to record the exact occupancy rate of each classroom, room or workspace in a building. All of this current and historical information can be accessed online throughLet Things Talk'sonline portal.

LTT Airhub


Even before the Privacy Act (AVG) came into effect, LTT decided not to do measurements and recordings with cameras. "We made a conscious decision to do that from the beginning. The data we collect is not personalized and can only be viewed by the client." For example, a client can receive a notification when an unhealthy indoor climate develops and can intervene if desired. Because faces are not de- teched, LTT's solution ensures the privacy of people in the building. This allows a school to act on the data and invest in a healthier environment.

Saving through insights smart devices

For example, at De Voorde Elementary School, it came to light that the central heating was on continuously in both summer, winter, during vacations, and also at night. Also, the thermostats in classrooms and offices could not be set to a specific temperature but only to modes. "Through the LTT Airhub, smart thermostats and smart outlets can be controlled directly, ultimately saving up to 40 percent on your energy costs." With high energy prices right now, that's certainly interesting. Scientific studies show that a good indoor climate increases employee and student productivity by 10 to 15%."

Fresh school

A "fresh school" is a school building with low energy consumption and a healthy indoor climate. With the collected measurement data we, together with Let Things Talk, entered into talks with the owner of the building. The owner has indicated to make adjustments based on this data. Here you do not only invest in making the building sustainable, but also in a good learning environment for all people who stay in the school. A second hurdle to be taken is convincing governments that money will be made available to take the desired measures. Although it is a topical subject, governments often don't back down when it comes to it."
"Should the governments not back down, then the energy savings is also an interesting option for the primary and secondary schools. "When people think of sustainability they often think immediately of costs, while our solution can contribute directly to substantial savings," Edwin Muller finally adds to the director's argument.


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Original text in magazine Kader_february2022


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